Primal Soles at Nordic Edge & Slush

Primal Soles at Nordic Edge & Slush

This year, Primal Soles is thrilled to be attending Slush in Finland!

As one of the world’s premier startup events, Slush gathers entrepreneurs, investors, and industry leaders in Helsinki each year to drive forward the next wave of groundbreaking companies.

Primal will be joining by invitation from the Dutch Delegation at Slush.

In the lead-up to Slush, Jeremy and David were invited to pitch in front of Nordic investors visiting Amsterdam. Here’s a quick look into our Nordic Edge experience:

Last week was anything but ordinary. A last-minute invitation had us pitching our solution at the AMS Institute to a group of Nordic investors in town. Big thanks to Joël Dori and Guy Vincent for making it happen!

Later that evening, thanks to Emilie Christensen, we were invited to pitch again at the Nordic Edge event as a warm-up to our upcoming week at Slush. One thing led to another, and soon we were presenting to 80 investors—with Prince Constantijn Van Oranje-Nassau in attendance. Quite an extraordinary week!

When you continually position yourself for good luck to happen, eventually you'll get lucky 🍀 People might say it’s the luck of the draw, but that's not what my father taught me. Hard work will pay off when you work hard. Being an opportunist doesn't hurt either ;)

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