One Step at a Time on The Waterbear Network

One Step at a Time on The Waterbear Network

Every year, billions of synthetic shoe insoles end up in landfills. David and Jeremy want to change that. They have created circular cork shoe insoles; a comfort product that is landfill-diverting, biodiversity-uplifting, CO2-negative and infinitely recyclable. They know that, at the scale of the footwear industry, their impact is a drop in the ocean. Still, they want to show the industry that a different approach is possible: one where nature conservation, biodiversity uplift, and profit go hand in hand.

Source: The Waterbear Network

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Je idealen omzetten in daden kan dus echt, door hard te werken

Je idealen omzetten in daden kan dus echt, door hard te werken

Hij verdiende leuk geld, maar toch vond David Even (34) dat niet bevredigend genoeg. Op 29-jarige leeftijd gooide hij het roer om. Hij ging weer...

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Best Feet Forward

Best Feet Forward

Past winners of FT Responsible Business Education awards, including academics and MBA alumni, have not rested on their laurels in seeking to progress their ideas...

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