One Step at a Time on The Waterbear Network

Every year, billions of synthetic shoe insoles end up in landfills. David and Jeremy want to change that. They have created circular cork shoe insoles; a comfort product that is...

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Primal Slippers in Hotel Jakarta - The #1 Greenest Hotel in NL
circular Circular Slippers Recyclable Hotel Slippers Sustainable hotel slippers

Primal Slippers in Hotel Jakarta - The #1 Greenest Hotel in NL

Hotel Jakarta by WestCord Hotels becomes the first hotel in the world to fully implement 100% circular hotel slippers in all their rooms.

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Just Fashion Transition
circular cork insoles producing cork insoles

Just Fashion Transition

A gathering for fashion innovators, sustainability advocates, students and researchers interested in sustainable and ethical fashion. Aftermovie Just Fashion Transition Symposium Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam from...

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How Do We Make Our Cork Insoles Carbon Negative?
circular cork insoles producing cork insoles

How Do We Make Our Cork Insoles Carbon Negative?

Primal Soles are a statement. To only take from nature what we need. We’ll take you through the process. Find out how we make the...

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